Knowing when to ask for help.

Our second week hasn’t been any easier on us.  It seems we’re functioning on fumes but we know that we’re almost at the end of this part of our lives. The house should be ready by the end of next weekend (Aug 17 th).

We finally hired a crew to help me (Claudette) paint the rest of the house.  I realized that if I end up exhausted or sick, I would be useless in the end.  Bernard is still working every day (someone needs to pay the bills) and helping as much as he can.

I don’t often ask for help because I sometimes end up being disappointed.  Long story. Am I being too demanding?  Probably.  But that’s the price I pay to have certain things done the way I want them to be done.

Painting crew is in the house and moving along, although the first day didn’t go well. Only one of the 3 guys showed up to work. After some dialogue about our expectations, things are moving along.  They should be done soon.

Then we have two young boys helping with the yard work.  This is pretty intensive as we decided to mulch most of our back yard, up to the forest.  We also created a new pathway to the other side of our forest. It looks awesome (pictures to come soon-still looking for that camera).

Miguel, our handy man for most of the projects in the home, has sanded and stained the floors and they look great.  He’s doing a very good job, although I constantly need to remind him that we need to keep the plastic securely taped to the wall so that the dust won’t go on the freshly painted walls upstairs.

Yes, knowing when to ask for help is really important but I also need to let go of everything being my way.  That’s not easy.