Bonelli Bluffs

Bonelli Bluffs was a midpoint stopover between Joshua Tree National Park and the Pacific coast.  It is located slightly north of I-10 in a place called San Dimas, which is slightly east of Los Angeles.  It is a wonderful oasis in an urban environment, with views of the snow covered peaks of the San Bernardino mountains (fun fact:  From Joshua Tree National Park, we could see these same peaks looking west, and now, we see them “from the other side”(looking east).

This is a very nice campground, and is even well shielded from highway noises.  Unfortunately, it is right next to a small aircraft airport which is very active.  On day one, we could see as many as two planes on final approach, which shows how busy it was.  However, on day, the wind direction had changed, , so with their engines revving at full throttle for takeoff as they passed in front of us, it was much noisier and annoying.

Bit we did a very pleasant hike along the “tree line trail” which goes uphill and provides a great view of Puddingstone Reservoir below.

view from the trail at Bonelli Bluffs


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