And to think that I hated geography and history when I was of school age…
And no, the title does not have a typo, it is Americans plural… The catchphrase “One place, many nations” gives a hint as to why its written that way.
This visit illustrates well the benefits of travel-induced discovery. I did further research after touring the museum, and this article sums it up reasonably well, but below is a quick overview of what took place.
At one point, the USA was going to create an all Indian state to be named Sequoyah. Various tribes from all over the USA were told to leave their ancestral lands, and were relocated to land in what is now known as Oklahoma, as a result of the 1830 Indian Removal Act.. Their journey to get here is often referred to as “the trail of tears”. Today there are 39 tribes and nations of American Indians headquartered in Oklahoma.
While today the majority population is white, on old maps, this area used to be labeled as “indian territory”
Claudette’s Two Cents.
I’ve always been fascinated, curious and intrigued by Native Americans culture. So this museum was very interesting in learning more, trying to understand what they went through and how resilient they’ve become. I think we can all learn from their way of life.