After a 2-day rush following the wrap-up of Camp Gramaire, we stored all the holiday decorations, loaded up the RV, vacuumed the house throughout and even washed the house fridge, so our home is ready for us when we return. Today is a short drive, with an overnight stay in Gretna, VA, which is close to our route driving down US 29 S. After several heavy trips bringing things for our trip from the house to the RV, we were concerned about our weight, so we stopped at a CAT scale to check things out. Overall, we tipped the scale at 23,260 pounds. All within the allowable individual limits. We don’t have to get rid of anything we took with us…
Claudette’s 2 Cents:
Hi everyone. As Bernard mentioned above, we’re finally on our big trip, one that we’ve been dreaming of for a long time. I’m very proud of our packing skills and ensuring that we stay within the limits of our weight capacity. I had to make sure that I had everything I needed in order to continue working on the road.
“Working from home” has never been an issue for either of us. We were doing this before it was even a thing. So, I’ll be sharing some of my insights and my two cents along this trip, along with some of my pictures as well.
This is our first night in Gretna. We even brought along our plants for the trip. Let’s see if they survive the journey