There is a lot to say about Death Valley, but the four highlights are
- Hair raising elevation changes and tight hairpin curves driving the RV towards the Park’s west entrance
- Death Valley holds three important records:
- Lowest point in Western Hemisphere at minus 282 feet
- Hottest location on earth (record high temperature at 137°F)
- Driest place in the USA (less than 2 inches per year)
- Spectacular views
- The end of camping season – Dry camping (no hookups) means no air conditioning. At 96°F during the daytime, it was actually quite comfortable in the shade, due to low humidity. But at night, 76° was a bit hot, even at low humidity. We left the campground on April 11th, just a few days shy of its seasonal closure on April 15th.

Here are select pictures from the many we took. More will be added later