We hope that you’re finding our FAQ interesting and entertaining. It also helps us to remember why we do what we do and enjoy those moments.
In case you missed our previous posts, here are the pages: FAQ January and FAQ January Part 02
So today, I’ll be sharing a few more fun things about us and our travels. Remember, if you have questions for us, comment below and we’ll add them to our list.
Who drives?
- We both do. When we purchased the RV, we came to an agreement that we both needed to know how to drive it, park it and do the basic maintenance on the RV. We’ve read many times where women were either stranded or needed to hire someone to move the RV because their husbands had been sick or hospitalized.
- We both love to drive and although Bernard is better at me in backing up our RV in our yard, we’re both very capable. Claudette will back up the RV but feels more anxious about it.
What’s the scariest thing that has happened while driving?
- Over the course of our 19 years of driving, we’ve had several scary moments. One in particular was when Claudette was driving up 95 towards DC when a tractor trailer jacked-knife in front of her, to avoid hitting a car that for some reason had slammed the brakes. In a split second, she swirled the RV to the left, luckily not hitting anyone nor the trailer. That was scary.
- Another time, a truck decided to turn left at a traffic light and lost part of it’s load on the road. We somehow managed to avoid the debris.
- We’ve had several tire blowouts, some that caused part of the RV to break.
Update to the question (March 15, 2024)
- We were leaving Joshua Tree National Park heading to our next destination not far from Los Angeles when Claudette, who was driving was momentarily distracted by the beautiful mountains and windmills. We driving downhill when Bernard hit Claudette’s arm to have her stop before hitting a stopped truck at a red light. She slammed the brakes, burning some tires and missing the truck by stopping inched from it. Let’s just say that after apologizing profusely, Claudette kept her eyes on the road and in front of her. Bernard later told her that he was still shaking. Focus is mandatory when driving a big rig like this folks.
What’s your # one rule when either of you are driving?
- Absolutely, unequivocally no cell phone – no talking on it, no texting, no looking at it. PERIOD!
- If either one of us is tired, you don’t drive.
- We don’t drive in the snow! NADA!
- We don’t drive at night. We plan our trip and the distance between each campground to be on average 3 to 4 hours. Rarely have we gone 5 or 6 hours. If that happens, we switch drivers during that drive.