Roadside attractions around Amarillo, TX

Today is very windy and cold (47F), but its no big deal as our plan for today is to visit a few roadside attractions.

First off, Cadillac Ranch, which consists of a number of old Cadillacs planted in the ground at a 45° angle.  Visitors are encouraged to spray paint them, and so many people have done that over the years, that they look like someone applied spray foam to them.

Cadillac Ranch

Then on to nearby “second amendment cowboy” (Hey, we’re in Texas…)

Second Amendment Cowboy

We did a few more, such as “Helium Time Columns Monument”, “Ozymandias on the Plains”, and “Combine City” (a farm combine version of Cadillac ranch), but since  we try to stick to the highlights in these posts, that’s it for today.

During our drive between these attractions, we drove by an abandoned factory which had this interesting sign: “Keep out.  All the copper has already been stolen”

Claudette’s Two Cents:

I so wanted to see these things, because they can be corny and creative. What people can do with their stuff, for fun.

Here’s another “roadside attraction” that I wanted to add but didn’t really fit anywhere. They are what we associate with Texas.

Long Horn Cattle. Those are one set of mean looking horns.
Just look at that face. Isn’t it adorable?

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