7 mile canoe ride

Wen  are used to “lazy rivers” being concrete manmade structures.  However, in our case, it was simply a natural river that had good flow.  We were in Loudonville, OH, and our canoe trip was on the Mohican River.  Quite frankly we had to do very little padding, and it was mostly a matter of just keeping the canoe pointed in the right direction to avoid low hanging branches from partially fallen trees, and at times avoidance of other canoes, kayaks and rafts.  The weather was perfect, and we didn’t even get wet.

Interestingly the landing point was just past our campground, so rather than drive there, we walked over to the landing point, rode the “return” bus to the starting point, and then canoed back to the end point.

It was a bit startling to see how many campgrounds are along the river, as well as how many stopping points there are with restaurants offering food and drink (we didn’t stop ourselves)

But we had a great time, and this is certainly an activity that we would do again.  A number of people did the same using their personal canoes.  Claudette has been showing me inflatable double kayaks on the Costco website.  I think we may end up owning one soon…