Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site

We had never heard of this one before, but this is actual one of the important sites in the human rights movement. The school was the site of forced desegregation in 1957 after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional three years earlier.  This was put in motion after 9 black students (aka the Little Rock 9)registered in an otherwise all-white high school showed up to attend.  Long story short, the National Guard got called in, as a result of coverage by the news networks, President Eisenhower intervened, and this ended up being the point where integration actually happened (ending the Jim Crow “separate but equal” episode of segregated schools).  We frequently hear about Rosa parks who had refused to give up her seat in the bus back in 1955, but I don’t recall ever hearing about the Little Rock 9.  It was very interesting.