Clinton Presidential Library

Little Rock, AR –

Turns out the campground we booked is a downtown riverfront campground, on the Arkansas river.  Right next to the campground is an old train bridge, which has been converted into a pedestrian bridge, and right across the river, is the Clinton Presidential Library.  We hadn’t really planned on visiting it, but since it was so close, we decided to visit that on the afternoon of our arrival.  It was really quite interesting.  Of course, just like Graceland, the emphasis is on the positive, which from the facts presented, there was a lot of during the Clinton presidency, which was nearing the end of its second term when we moved to the USA. Other than documentation on display, there is an exact replica of the cabinet meeting room and the oval office, as they were during the Clinton presidency, including an eact replica of the famous resolute desk.  Claudette got her picture taken (with me as the “first husband”)