Have you ever been on a roller coaster ride that made you jump really high in your seat? You know the kind of ride that you want to hold on to the rail because you just might fall off? That’s what happened to us when we crossed several bridges and overpasses on 95, especially in Virginia on our way to Myrtle Beach.
So here we are, cruising down Interstate 95 at 65 miles an hour (OK so sometimes I’ll go as fast as 74, but don’t let Bernard know. He hates it when I go too fast). I was really careful about the speed because we knew there were bumps coming ahead. Several times in the past, we got some surprises with the RV springing up and down like a yo-yo.
We’re coming close to the overpass and wouldn’t you know it, the bumps grew overnight. Even if we would have crawled over those bumps, the truck and RV jumped like a kangaroo. I slam the brakes and sure enough, the jumping stops. That was a close call.
Then it’s Bernard’s turn to drive and we’re thinking, we’re home free from those nasty waves on the pavement. But no! Here we go again. Several times during our 8 hour drive we hold on as if our seats are spring-loaded.
Finally, we arrive at our destination. We hesitantly open our door, fearful that our fridge’s content would be sprung all over our rugs. Thank goodness that no food fight occurred during our descent.
That is until we opened our closet door. Ah yes! Here is where, when things go bump on the road, they get thrown on the ground. The weight of our clothes PLUS the shock of the ride made everything in there fall apart.
Of well, seems like Bernard will have to do some handy work in the RV. I guess he didn’t have enough of doing house renovations, he’s going to do RV repairs too.