How It All Began…

It’s January 1st 2012. Bernard and I are sitting at Starbucks in North Point with my iPad and Bernard’s laptop and we’re looking at our calendar.

We’ve been synchronizing our calendars for as long as we’ve been together (22 + years now) every January.  It’s become our ritual.  Some years have been easier to plan and others a little more challenging.

Take for example when we decided to move from Montreal to Reston, Virginia.  We found out on December 19th, 1996 that Bernard got the job he interviewed for and he was to start on January 23rd.

Now you do the math!!! Plus, we needed to sell the house and my hairdressing business, get approval from the kids’ other parent, advise the schools, tell our family and get married (That’s another story that I’ll be sharing with you at another time). So let’s say that particular January planning was a bit challenging.

As we’re sipping our tall lattes, I tell Bernard “OK so why don’t we put a date on the calendar as to when we’re going to move into our RV and rent the home.  I mean, our friends Laurent and Marite are renting and all looks great.”

“This year?” Bernard says with a surprised look. We’d been talking about living in the RV forever it seemed and the truth was, there would never be a perfect time. The more we considered the possibility, the more excited we felt.

First thing we did is put a moving date on the calendar. August 15th, 2012.  And so the fun begins.


1 comment

  1. Congrats on fufulling your dream. I’m sure you will enjoy this. Excited to hear more news about your adventure…
    Your baby sis…xoxo

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